Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Welcome to The Dogs of Mori Point!

Here, you will find pictures and stories of the dogs Luna and I encounter during our walks in Pacifica.

Dog #1 is Luna herself. She is an 11 year old greyhound, who raced on the dog track until her mandatory retirement at age 5.  Had she not been rescued by a non-profit organization dedicated to saving such greyhounds, she would have been destroyed. Luna is as gentle a dog as you will ever meet--characteristic of a retired racer. Though she has no formal obedience training, she walks easily on the leash and socializes well with other dogs.

An ancient breed, greyhounds are generally long-lived and without many of the maladies present in more recent, human-created large dog breeds. You may have heard that greyhounds have two speeds: 40 MPG, and "couch potato." Luna upholds this stereotype, leaning heavily towards "couch potato."


Dog # 2 is Gracie, photographed on 24 January 2011. She is perhaps 2 years old here. Before being rescued, Gracie was dumped at the animal shelter, in ill health and with a litter of sickly puppies.  Because her "blue" coloring is uncommon and desirable in the Pit breeds, it is guessed that her previous owner bred her for profit, without thought of her care.  Sweet, gentle Gracie quickly recovered, and is now a  loving member of her forever family.

 I couldn't choose between these two pictures, so Gracie gets two!


Dog #3. Cheka is a 4-year old Rat Terrier/Chihuahua mix, who found herself in the animal shelter after her owner passed away. On 29 January 2011, we happened to meet her as she enjoyed her first walk with her new family.  



Dog #4 is Blaze, an exuberant 3 1/2 month old puppy photographed on 29 January 2011. In the excitement of finding a puppy, I forgot to ask her breed and story! I'm going to guess Siberian Husky, but please forgive me if I'm wrong. She was named for her "blazing" blue eyes.


For some reason, she wanted to sit under Luna.


On 31 January 2011, Luna and I came upon this group. Since the ladies were "mature," we didn't ask their ages.  Maggie and Lily were rescued from the animal shelter; Bobo is rumored to have sprung fully-formed at her Sharp Park home.


Dog #5--Maggie, an inquisitve boxer mix.



Dog #6--Lily, a terrier mix whose fashionable wardrobe is provided by her grandmother.



Dog #7--Bobo, a wire-haired terrier and...something else. Based on the ear spots and pink nose, I'm going to guess Brittany Spaniel.


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