Sunday, February 20, 2011

So Many Dogs, So Little Time!

When Luna and I meet people out on the trail, often someone will stop to ask about Luna's status as a racing Greyhound. I never get tired of telling of how, at age 5, Luna would have been tossed aside as obsolete equipment, had she not been rescued and adopted.  Even though she is a senior citizen now at age 11, her sleek figure is often admired. I frequently comment that if dogs look like their owners, why can't I match her body fat of about 3%? So in an effort to approach that goal, I'm trying to put a few more daily miles on the Lunameter.  Today, we visited the pier again, and in the good Sunday weather, met many dogs. I admit that I had trouble keeping the stories straight, so this time I'll mainly focus on the beautiful faces!

Cleo is three-year-old Pekingese who is looking for love. She's done well at dog shows, and needs a father for her future litter. Cleo is  # 23.


Ordinarily, I would take a photo at the dog's level, but when that level is three inches off the ground, it gets difficult. Curby the Yorkshire Terrier is great friends with Cleo, and is MoriDog #24.


Tina's owner didn't have much time to chat, but was generous enough to pause for the camera, so that she could become MoriDog #25.

Another Boxer! I could make a bad joke about it not being Boxing Day... Jack's color is unusual in his breed. He's named for that other boxer, Jack Dempsey. MoriDog #26.

 Millie's owner doesn't have a computer, so he won't see that his Siberian Husky is MoriDog #27.


Toby, MoriDog #28 is an enthusiastic 13 year old Corgi. Here's one dog who didn't get left behind when his young owner grew up and went out on her own!


Sofie was good enough to do one of her tricks for this photo. Actually, there was a treat just off camera, but it's a great shot anyway. This Dachshund mix is MoriDog #29.

MoriDog #30 is Nugget, being fostered while she recovers from a broken leg. She can walk a bit with her cast, but when she goes out with her friend Sofie, she needs a little help. When she has recovered, she will be looking for a forever home. Nugget needs someone who can be home with her most of the time, and can be adopted through the San Francisco SPCA.


1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful idea, and a perfectly beautiful result. Please, carry on!
