Friday, February 18, 2011

Luna Visits the Pier

Actually, I dragged Luna out of a nice warm bed so that I could photograph the reallyreally high tide. The Chit-Chat was getting a free, salty wash-down. Technically, we weren't on Mori Point, but it was clearly visible in the distance when we met T-Bone, so he becomes MoriDog #23. His story is one that I am hearing over and over.  As a half-grown puppy, T-Bone was found abandoned and in bad shape about 13 years ago. He's one of those breeds that get a lot of bad press, but even at his advanced age, T-Bone is gentle enough to give his owner's grandson rides around the house. The Grandson-to-T-Bone weight ratio is slowly tipping in favor of Grandson, so they may have to work out a deal soon.


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