Saturday, February 5, 2011

Super Bowl Eve

As the rest of the world is snowed and iced-in, we and our dogs smugly enjoyed a beautiful Saturday morning on Mori Point. May the team of your choice win tomorrow!

And now, the dogs!

 Dog #10 is Rufus, a teenaged Flat-Coated Retriever. Rufus' hobbies are wriggling out of his harness and chasing squirrels.


Before becoming a Pacifican, Toby was in a puppy rescue home in Lodi. His mom was an Australian Shepherd, and we're not too sure about dad--perhaps Bernese Mountain Dog. In any event, our dog #11 is very happy to be living near the beach now!


Ally and Flash are "cousins," since their owners are brother and sister. 

After her rescue, Ally was timid and fearful. In the effort to bring the Belgian Malanois mix out of her shell, her owner trained her in Dog Agility. Not only did this give Ally the confidence to become friendly and outgoing, but she also became a champion in her weight class.  A trained dog is a happy dog! Ally is MoriDog #12


Flash, a lucky dog at #13. She is happy to sit in the stands and cheer her cousin Ally in agility. The name of her breed, Basset, comes from the French word bas, meaning low. Yup, that's Flash!

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