Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Playdates for Dogs?

Happy, dog #16, had a couple of friends over for the day, and they all went for a walk.

And now, the individual photos. Happy is a Poodle/Tibetan Terrier mix, and had been kept in a garage until surrendered and adopted from the Peninsula Humane Center.

Dog #17 is Bodie, a terrier mix. He came to his current owner via Craigslist, and was very timid at first. But he caught on to the joys of a human bed on the first night and became a world-class cuddler.


Sarah is clearly the leader of the pack. Her past is a little bit questionable--she was with a group of other puppies not from her litter, with no mother. Puppy mill? Smuggled? We'll never know for sure, but we ARE sure that MoriDog #18 is in a loving home now.

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