Monday, November 21, 2011

Two Neighbor Dogs

Have I mentioned how difficult it has become to find a NEW MoriDog on the trails? So I jumped at the chance when two neighbors invited me to photograph their dogs at their homes--still within sight of Mori Point!

Leila, MoriDog #113
Leila is a Havanese, a birthday present to her young human. It was a long ride up to Chico to choose from 6 puppies, but in the end, Leila did the choosing by jumping up on the couch to be with her new family. She greets everyone in her family with a daily kiss. Beasley, Leila's all-white half-sister, lives with Grandma.

TimberWoof, MoriDog #112

Timber probably has the greatest claim to the title, "MoriDog," because he was born and continues to live in Fairway Park, where Mori Point is visible from every home. He enjoys going on bike rides, but the pace has to be a little slow--at about 100 lbs, Timber doesn't move very fast. In this photo, he looks a little grumpy...but that's not in his nature. See those flowers in the background? Timber has been digging them up...and his human was telling the story as the photos were taken. Did he sense we were talking about him, and was he showing remorse? Or just annoyed because there wasn't a treat when we asked him to "stay?" One thing is certain--his weight didn't reach triple digits by working for free.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunshine and Noodles

Ka'la, MoriDog #111
Ka'la means "Sunshine" in the Hawaiian language, a perfect name for a Yellow Labrador. His name is often mispronounced in English as Kala, which means "Money" in Hawaiian, so he doesn't mind that at all! Ka'la is very protective of his human mom, and she reports that he doesn't share her well at all. He doesn't do anything physical, but he will bark a lot if he thinks she's getting too much attention, which has earned him the nickname "Bob Barker." Bob likes girl dogs immensely, being that he still has the equipment to enjoy them fully.

Noodles, MoriDog #112

Noodles started life in the idyllic town of Trinidad, CA, half Bergamasco Shepherd, and half...something else. Bergamasco is an ancient Italian breed, with a coat that will "cord" naturally, like a Puli. Noodles gets a daily run with Grandma, and all that fur would just get in the way, so she gets the dreadlocks clipped.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Typical Golden Retriever

Millie, MoriDog #110
Millie started life with another family, but layoffs and the ensuing economic hardship made it necessary for her to find another home at 8 months of age. She is a model pet, and her only bad habit is that she wants to eat everything she finds along the trail.

Just as I was about to say goodbye, a group of schoolkids came along, and Millie got a chance to do what she does best--bask in adoration.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

She's a little Tipsy...

Tipsy, MoriDog #109
Tipsy was the first-born puppy in a litter of eleven. She is still puppy-rambunctious at 6mo. of age, but she's all love, and is friendly to every living creature. Here's a Pit Bull that thinks she's a Yellow Labrador!

Tipsy did her best to invite Luna to play, but puppy antics don't interest dignified Luna.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mack, MoriDog #108
Mack's human, who is recently from Phoenix, AZ, found him listed there on Craigslist. It seems that his original young human was not living up to her obligation to care for him, so her parents offered him up for free. A Queensland Blue Heeler, Mack's coat pattern is unusually bright and high-contrast, which makes him quite beautiful. His only fault is that he's somewhat tentative around other dogs. He displayed good doggie manners with Luna, so it seems that regular walks on Mori Point are helping him to be comfortable with the "casual" members of his pack. And for the record, Mack's human much prefers our Pacifica weather over that of Phoenix!

Monday, September 19, 2011

One More Dachshund

When this cute little guy came trotting up the trail to visit with Luna, I had to stop and think. "Hmmm...looks like a Dachshund," I said to myself. "But what about that Blue Merle coat pattern?" I had never seen it that breed. I learned from his human that on a Doxie, it is called "dapple." In July, I had another lesson in canine coat color on the trail, but with a beautiful White Merle Collie named Tashi, (MoriDog #97) so it was right to the internet when I got home to research "dapple." I learned that the genetics are similar to the Merle pattern in other dogs. As in the Merle trait, two dapples bred together produces a "double dapple, a dog with large white patches. When this happens, undesirable defects can occur, such as blindness and/or deafness. Whie Merles and Double Dapples are beautiful, but it causes me to reflect on the wisdom of intentionally introducing potential defects into the gene pool.  Happily, our MoriDog today is a single Dapple, and carries no increased risk.

Murphy, MoriDog #107

Murphy has recently recovered from hip surgery, and from the looks of it has made a complete recovery. In fact, it was difficult to photograph him, because he anxious to get on with his walk. Notice that even though his feet are still in this photo, the tail is clearly in motion. His human reports that he is a "Master Snuggler," and his only bad habit is that he somehow has developed a taste for cat poo.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

This Dachshund has a Title

Sir Charles, MoriDog #106

It's OK to call him, "Charlie." One of the things that 11 year old Charlie dislikes is hot weather, so this summer has been just fine with him--he came from Vacaville originally, and much prefers Pacifica.  When he isn't enjoying the cool Mori Point breezes, he can be found taunting his housemate Brandy by daring him to take his treats.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Paris (not Hilton)

Paris, MoriDog #105
Paris comes to Pacifica from Antelope Valley, where he lived with a number of humans before finding his forever home. His human is enjoying more walks with him, now that the human puppies are back in school.

Illegal Alien

Lucky, MoriDog #104
When Lucky's  human was in Mexico, she found him as a mangy, flea-bitten puppy. She paid 500 peso (about $50) for him, and  smuggled across the border. He is now a productive member of Pacifica society. Here he poses on the fence post by the frog pond.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Fresh as a Maisy

Maisy, MoriDog #103
Maisy was rescued from the San Francisco animal shelter at a very tender age. Her breed is a mystery, but all of the puppies in her litter had little nubby tails of various lengths. The humans get the litter together for reunions each year, and Maisy, who was the smallest puppy, is now the biggest.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Another Highway Dog

Pia, MoriDog #102
So many of our MoriDogs are rescues, and a frequent story is that they were found on busy roads. Pia, a Rat Terrier, was also found in this dangerous situation near Larkspur. Happily for her, the road eventually led to a forever home in Pacifica. Pia plays nicely with other dogs, as long as they aren't on a leash. There's something about a leash that brings out the Terrier in her.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Reo Speedwagon

No, not the band, but the old-time car, for which the band was named.

Reo, MoriDog #101
Reo is a Boxer mix, about 18 months old. His human says that based on his tracking behavior, the "mix" might just be bloodhound.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

MoriDog #100!!!

Yes, I have been dragging my feet a little bit about getting to #100. I wanted it to be  a special dog. So when my neighbor's new puppy started going out on the leash for the first time, I knew I had my dog!

Boots, MoriDog #100

Boots is as wiggly a puppy as you will ever see, but he is well-behaved for his age, and is learning to walk on the leash. His two young humans are learning how to manage THEIR end of the leash! Boots was rescued as a very tiny puppy, and not much is known about his parentage. His paws are still small, so the best guess is Chihuahua/terrier mix. Luna met him nose-to-nose for the first time today, and they got along nicely.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Simon Says

Simon, MoriDog #99
Simon is a handsome mix--perhaps Pomeranian and Corgi, with a little Chihuahua added in. He was rescued from the shelter, and has adjusted well to his new home. He plays with the cats, and his only bad habit is that he is a pillow-hog.

A Non-Surfing Maverick

Maverick, MoriDog #98
Maverick is a lively 6-year old who has lived in Pacifica with his family since he left the litter. A friendly and appropriately social dog, his human reports no bad habits...well, except the one about treats. Maverick is a chow hound, and it causes him to weigh a little more than he should. I understand completely, Maverick.

Friday, July 15, 2011

An Auspicious Blessing

Tashi, MoriDog #97
It was nearly sunset when we met Tashi, whose name means "auspicious blessing" in the Tibetan language. Not only is he the first Collie to become a MoriDog, but by meeting him, it was the first time I had heard of the coloring called "white merle." Thanks to the internet, and about a half-hour well spent, I now have a good understanding of this beautiful, but potentially dangerous color. I learned that if the white coloring goes all the way into the ear canal, it results in deafness. Although Tashi has deafness in one ear, you can see that he responds well to the various chirping noises that I make when I want a dog to look towards the camera. A typically playful 11-month old puppy, Tashi forgot his doggie manners for a moment with Luna. She used her "teacher voice" to remind him, and he accepted the lesson.  He hasn't, however, learned the lesson of leaving human food alone. He recently stole and consumed an entire pound of bacon.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Warning-Unleashed Dog Walkers Being Ticketed

Today we saw a Fish and Game officer issue a ticket to a woman for walking her dog off-leash. Rumor has it that the fine is $70 for the first offense. I wouldn't want any MoriDog to have a criminal record, so be aware!

Bear, MoriDog #95
Bear the Boxer, like Luna, is living with his grandparents. It was a complicated road that brought him to Pacifica from the SouthWest. Along the way, he tangled with a rattlesnake. Rattlesnake lost, but not before biting Bear in the face. After some anti-venom, he  made a full recovery. San Francisco Garter Snakes need not worry--Bear has learned his lesson.

Lucy, MoriDog #96
Lucy's human companion describes her as part Great Pyrenees and part Chihuahua. I suppose that is theoretically possible, but I think her strawberry blonde comes from a Golden Retriever, or perhaps a large spaniel. When Lucy was first rescued, she was fearful of cars, water and bathrooms. Now that she's in a comfortable family, she enjoys the water, and frequently gets a walk at Mavericks.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Just Jack

Today, we met four who have already become MoriDogs...I knew that eventually I would find fewer and fewer new dogs to photograph, but I wasn't ready to be shut out so suddenly. But then along came Just Jack, and so that's who we have...

Just Jack, MoriDog #94
Just Jack is a Rat Terrier. I guessed wrong again, and tried to make him a Jack Russell--at least I got part of his name! He found his family in Kokomo, Indiana, when they were there on business.  Jack is an extremely well socialized dog, a veteran of many adventures. He has been kayaking, and has met an elephant face-to-face.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Big, Gentle Dogs

 Scout, MoriDog # 92
The woman at the human end of the leash has four sons, so the dog with the best fit for their family needed to be one with a "gentle soul." She has certainly found it in Scout. Although just a puppy at 7 Saint Bernard months, Scout sits well, doesn't jump up on people, waited nicely while we chatted and is very photogenic! Good dog, Scout!  

Coco, MoriDog #93
Coco is a "good story" Pit Bull. She was rescued from the animal shelter, and was chosen because of all the dogs down the rows of cages, Coco was the only one NOT jumping and barking! She watched intently but calmly, as if to say, "Take me home--look what a good girl I am!" Coco has retained her gentle ways, and is doing well with her obedience training.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Luna visits Linda Mar

Luna was looking just a little bit bored with Mori Point and Sharp Park Beach, so we went two beaches down to Linda Mar.  That's close enough for these guys to become MoriDogs.

Mylo, MoriDog #90

Mylo is often seen walking with Sophie, who is MoriDog #83. He's about 1/4 the size of Sophie, but today he was holding his own against her in Sand Wrestling.

Jeff, MoriDog #91
Jeff seems to be saying, "Does this leash make my butt look big?" Jeff didn't always have to worry about his figure. He was found as a very skinny puppy on Highway 101 near Candlestick Park. Good living in Pacifica has put plenty of meat on his frame!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Luna Sets a Good Example for the Puppy

Kaya, MoriDog # 89
Kaya is a 8-month-old Minature Australian Shepherd, and she was at the beach today to learn good manners when meeting another dog. Luna is the perfect puppy-trainer in this respect, because she will give a dignified greeting, and then proceed to ignore the puppy. Kaya was very well behaved! Her humans are doing a great job at making her a good citizen dog.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Guest Dog

My cousin sent me this picture of her dog, Alley. Although Alley is not yet a MoriDog, I just couldn't resist sharing. It's been so cold, that I guess we need to start wrapping up our dogs!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Three Little Dogs

Today's three dogs all live at the same house. They are regular visitors to Mori Point trails.

Charlie, MoriDog # 86
Charlie is a King Charles Spaniel who came to live with his family after his first owner passed away.

Satsuki Mei, MoriDog #87
The daughters in their family researched every type of dog, and determined that the Japanese Chin Dogs were the perfect breed for them. Dad reports that Satsuki Mei and Haku do fit in very well with both Charlie and the Humans.

Haku, MoriDog #88

Monday, May 30, 2011

Smelly Dog Alert!!

We were counting frogs at the pond (I saw 26 today!! It's a new record!) when a couple of new dogs and their humans came up to watch. Slowly, an aroma began to develop. "Oh, that's my dog," said the human at the end of Goldie's leash. "She just rolled in a dead seal." So let that be a warning to all!! There is a dead seal on the beach, and if your dog, like Goldie, considers Eau de Pinniped Mort the most desirable perfume, keep far south on Sharp Park Beach! The rotting carcass in question is said to be nearer the Pier than the Point.

Goldie, MoriDog # 85
If it seems that I was avoiding Goldie, you are right! As I said above, Goldie's presence preceeded her..but .Sadie didn't seem to mind. They are neighbors, and freqently walk together, or visit at each other's homes.

Sadie, MoriDog #86
Sadie, happily, is not smelly. Her human tells me that Mori Point is the only place that Sadie will go for a walk. Anywhere else, and she refuses to leave the car!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Another Pacifica Connection

Sophie is MoriDog #83. As it turns out, she lives on the same block as my father, and often stops by his house for a treat!

Bug is Puggle-a Beagle/Pug cross. He began life as someone's "designer dog," who had no idea what was required to care for a dog! Of course he was a problem, when left inside, alone all of the time!  Happily, now he lives with someone who can be with him most of the time, and bring him to Mori Point often. Bug is MoriDog #84.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Dog's Best Friend is His Stick

Dewey is obsessed with Sticks. He doesn't just chase them...he wants to bring every one of them home. It doesn't matter if the stick is twice his body weight, or exceeds his length. Every one is a treasure, and he proudly carries them as long as he is permitted to do so.  Our 13-year old MoriDog #82 is a Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix, who doesn't just have eyes of two different colors; one eye itself is both brown and blue.

Dewey and his stick.

He may have dropped his stick temporarily, but he won't be letting it out of his sight.

Dogs in Paradise

I was on the Big Island of Hawaii for a while these past weeks, and Luna couldn't come with me. However, I did meet a couple of interesting dogs while I was there.  I didn't assign a MoriDog number to Xavier or Isis, but they gave me enough entertainment that I decided to include them here. While I was watching them splash and chase sticks in a cool tropical stream, surrounded by lush foliage and a waterfall, I almost forgot how beautiful our Mori Point is. It would be impossible to compare Hawaii to the central Californian coast, yet there are similarities. It's hard to remember that our coast is also a destination, and that people fantasize about living here.

Xavier's human found his litter abandoned in a warehouse when they were about 3 weeks old. (The other pups had happy endings, too.) Isis, the younger dog, found her way home via the animal shelter.



Isis and Xavier

Monday, May 9, 2011

Two and a Half Labradors

We're a little fuzzy on how MoriDog #81 came to Pacifica. The man at the other end of the leash says that Roscoe just showed up one day. He's a handsome Pit/Labrador mix.


Sasha's address changed several times before she came to her current, stable home. She was a Hurricane Katrina rescue, found wandering around the rubble as a puppy. Sasha's trauma has made her fearful of storms and water, very uncharacteristic of her breed. Here, MoriDog #82 waits not-so-patiently for a treat.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

El Es Muy Guapo

MoriDog #80 is Guapo, the Spanish word for "handsome," and he is handsome indeed. This Yellow Labrador didn't have a story to tell, but he doesn't need one.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Other Side of the Hill

Luna's paw is much better now, and we celebrated that fact with a walk along Calera Creek, just the other side of Mori Point.

Kamir is a Rat Terrier mix rescued from the Peninsula SPCA. His owner tells how she went to visit the kennels, where all the dogs were barking and jumping. Only Kamir (which is a contraction of "Come Here!") was quietly staring at her.  I suppose it was the eyes. It's always the eyes. Lucky Kamir is MoriDog #77.


Riley the Beagle was ordered as a purebred female. When he got off the plane, it was clear he was a male, possibly not purebred, and was rejected.  But his gender and parentage is no issue for his current human, and he has quite possibly a better home for it, as MoriDog #78.


Zoe's mom was found wandering on railroad tracks while pregnant. Her rescuer took care of her, and eventually her three puppies. When they were 8 weeks old, she called all of her friends who might adopt a puppy, and in no time at all, the little darlings had found homes. Zoe is itty bitty MoriDog #78, and Riley's housemate.


OK, I admit it. I have a weakness for tiny, delicate little Chihuahua paws.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Where's Luna?

If you are used to seeing Luna on the trail from time to time, it will be a little longer before you do. Luna has an injured paw, and needs another week or more to recover. Somehow, she broke a toenail off a the nail bed. Her vet says that they see two or three of these every week, and though initially painful, it's not dangerous. In the meantime, Luna waits by the door until she is walking solidly again.

In the meantime, here is a followup photo I've been saving of Copper, who is MoriDog #21. At our second meeting, we saw each other from a distance, and he was watching me as if to say, "Do I know you?" When I called his name, he shook his ears and came running, long leash dragging in the sand.