Luna's paw is much better now, and we celebrated that fact with a walk along Calera Creek, just the other side of Mori Point.
Kamir is a Rat Terrier mix rescued from the Peninsula SPCA. His owner tells how she went to visit the kennels, where all the dogs were barking and jumping. Only Kamir (which is a contraction of "Come Here!") was quietly staring at her. I suppose it was the eyes. It's always the eyes. Lucky Kamir is MoriDog #77.
Riley the Beagle was ordered as a purebred female. When he got off the plane, it was clear he was a male, possibly not purebred, and was rejected. But his gender and parentage is no issue for his current human, and he has quite possibly a better home for it, as MoriDog #78.
Zoe's mom was found wandering on railroad tracks while pregnant. Her rescuer took care of her, and eventually her three puppies. When they were 8 weeks old, she called all of her friends who might adopt a puppy, and in no time at all, the little darlings had found homes. Zoe is itty bitty MoriDog #78, and Riley's housemate.
OK, I admit it. I have a weakness for tiny, delicate little Chihuahua paws.