Thursday, July 28, 2011

MoriDog #100!!!

Yes, I have been dragging my feet a little bit about getting to #100. I wanted it to be  a special dog. So when my neighbor's new puppy started going out on the leash for the first time, I knew I had my dog!

Boots, MoriDog #100

Boots is as wiggly a puppy as you will ever see, but he is well-behaved for his age, and is learning to walk on the leash. His two young humans are learning how to manage THEIR end of the leash! Boots was rescued as a very tiny puppy, and not much is known about his parentage. His paws are still small, so the best guess is Chihuahua/terrier mix. Luna met him nose-to-nose for the first time today, and they got along nicely.

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