Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Warning-Unleashed Dog Walkers Being Ticketed

Today we saw a Fish and Game officer issue a ticket to a woman for walking her dog off-leash. Rumor has it that the fine is $70 for the first offense. I wouldn't want any MoriDog to have a criminal record, so be aware!

Bear, MoriDog #95
Bear the Boxer, like Luna, is living with his grandparents. It was a complicated road that brought him to Pacifica from the SouthWest. Along the way, he tangled with a rattlesnake. Rattlesnake lost, but not before biting Bear in the face. After some anti-venom, he  made a full recovery. San Francisco Garter Snakes need not worry--Bear has learned his lesson.

Lucy, MoriDog #96
Lucy's human companion describes her as part Great Pyrenees and part Chihuahua. I suppose that is theoretically possible, but I think her strawberry blonde comes from a Golden Retriever, or perhaps a large spaniel. When Lucy was first rescued, she was fearful of cars, water and bathrooms. Now that she's in a comfortable family, she enjoys the water, and frequently gets a walk at Mavericks.

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