Monday, June 20, 2011

Big, Gentle Dogs

 Scout, MoriDog # 92
The woman at the human end of the leash has four sons, so the dog with the best fit for their family needed to be one with a "gentle soul." She has certainly found it in Scout. Although just a puppy at 7 Saint Bernard months, Scout sits well, doesn't jump up on people, waited nicely while we chatted and is very photogenic! Good dog, Scout!  

Coco, MoriDog #93
Coco is a "good story" Pit Bull. She was rescued from the animal shelter, and was chosen because of all the dogs down the rows of cages, Coco was the only one NOT jumping and barking! She watched intently but calmly, as if to say, "Take me home--look what a good girl I am!" Coco has retained her gentle ways, and is doing well with her obedience training.

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