The sole purpose of this blog is to catalog the dogs I have encountered while walking my dogs. I started with Luna, the Greyhound. Luna has passed on, and after a pause that was much too long, Henley has filled that void. No humans, no ads, no causes: It's all about the dogs! All dogs appear here with the verbal permission of their owners.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
She's a little Tipsy...
Tipsy, MoriDog #109
Tipsy was the first-born puppy in a litter of eleven. She is still puppy-rambunctious at 6mo. of age, but she's all love, and is friendly to every living creature. Here's a Pit Bull that thinks she's a Yellow Labrador!
Tipsy did her best to invite Luna to play, but puppy antics don't interest dignified Luna.
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