Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dogs in Paradise

I was on the Big Island of Hawaii for a while these past weeks, and Luna couldn't come with me. However, I did meet a couple of interesting dogs while I was there.  I didn't assign a MoriDog number to Xavier or Isis, but they gave me enough entertainment that I decided to include them here. While I was watching them splash and chase sticks in a cool tropical stream, surrounded by lush foliage and a waterfall, I almost forgot how beautiful our Mori Point is. It would be impossible to compare Hawaii to the central Californian coast, yet there are similarities. It's hard to remember that our coast is also a destination, and that people fantasize about living here.

Xavier's human found his litter abandoned in a warehouse when they were about 3 weeks old. (The other pups had happy endings, too.) Isis, the younger dog, found her way home via the animal shelter.



Isis and Xavier

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