Thursday, March 3, 2011

Has Anyone Seen My Garbage Cans?

This year, in the neighborhood near Mori Point, it seems that the windiest days are also garbage days.  When these two events converge, not only do the trash cans congregate at the end of the street like some plastic convention, but reams of loose papers blow out of their protective containers, and end up in the frog pond. Anyhow, if you have a double set of cans, slip me an email, OK? Mine are currently AWOL.

But you didn't come here to read about trash...You wanted DOGS!!

Happy doesn't quite look his name, but it's just because he is camera shy. Actually, he's a bit shy of most new situations. When he first saw Luna and me, he walked up to us and accepted an ear scratching, but when the camera came out, he got nervous and tried to hide. Happy was saved from an abusive situation, and fears objects in the hands of humans. His owner suspects that he had been beaten--I felt bad to have violated his comfort zone!  But his buddy Charlie gives him confidence when things get difficult. Happy is MoriDog #42.


Charlie, MoriDog #43, is Happy's walking buddy. He was a present to his owner, given to her after her previous dog passed away from old age at 18.

Charlie seems to be saying, "Mom!!!! I don't wanna sit!! This mud is COLD!!!!" Happy bears the discomfort in stoic silence, as long as he doesn't have to look at the camera!

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