Thursday, July 28, 2011

MoriDog #100!!!

Yes, I have been dragging my feet a little bit about getting to #100. I wanted it to be  a special dog. So when my neighbor's new puppy started going out on the leash for the first time, I knew I had my dog!

Boots, MoriDog #100

Boots is as wiggly a puppy as you will ever see, but he is well-behaved for his age, and is learning to walk on the leash. His two young humans are learning how to manage THEIR end of the leash! Boots was rescued as a very tiny puppy, and not much is known about his parentage. His paws are still small, so the best guess is Chihuahua/terrier mix. Luna met him nose-to-nose for the first time today, and they got along nicely.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Simon Says

Simon, MoriDog #99
Simon is a handsome mix--perhaps Pomeranian and Corgi, with a little Chihuahua added in. He was rescued from the shelter, and has adjusted well to his new home. He plays with the cats, and his only bad habit is that he is a pillow-hog.

A Non-Surfing Maverick

Maverick, MoriDog #98
Maverick is a lively 6-year old who has lived in Pacifica with his family since he left the litter. A friendly and appropriately social dog, his human reports no bad habits...well, except the one about treats. Maverick is a chow hound, and it causes him to weigh a little more than he should. I understand completely, Maverick.

Friday, July 15, 2011

An Auspicious Blessing

Tashi, MoriDog #97
It was nearly sunset when we met Tashi, whose name means "auspicious blessing" in the Tibetan language. Not only is he the first Collie to become a MoriDog, but by meeting him, it was the first time I had heard of the coloring called "white merle." Thanks to the internet, and about a half-hour well spent, I now have a good understanding of this beautiful, but potentially dangerous color. I learned that if the white coloring goes all the way into the ear canal, it results in deafness. Although Tashi has deafness in one ear, you can see that he responds well to the various chirping noises that I make when I want a dog to look towards the camera. A typically playful 11-month old puppy, Tashi forgot his doggie manners for a moment with Luna. She used her "teacher voice" to remind him, and he accepted the lesson.  He hasn't, however, learned the lesson of leaving human food alone. He recently stole and consumed an entire pound of bacon.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Warning-Unleashed Dog Walkers Being Ticketed

Today we saw a Fish and Game officer issue a ticket to a woman for walking her dog off-leash. Rumor has it that the fine is $70 for the first offense. I wouldn't want any MoriDog to have a criminal record, so be aware!

Bear, MoriDog #95
Bear the Boxer, like Luna, is living with his grandparents. It was a complicated road that brought him to Pacifica from the SouthWest. Along the way, he tangled with a rattlesnake. Rattlesnake lost, but not before biting Bear in the face. After some anti-venom, he  made a full recovery. San Francisco Garter Snakes need not worry--Bear has learned his lesson.

Lucy, MoriDog #96
Lucy's human companion describes her as part Great Pyrenees and part Chihuahua. I suppose that is theoretically possible, but I think her strawberry blonde comes from a Golden Retriever, or perhaps a large spaniel. When Lucy was first rescued, she was fearful of cars, water and bathrooms. Now that she's in a comfortable family, she enjoys the water, and frequently gets a walk at Mavericks.