Sunday, October 25, 2020

Just for a Day...

MoriDog #157

Sometimes a dog finds her forever home right away. In Penny's case, it was a bit like the game of Telephone. There was a neighbor, who had a friend, who had a dog she couldn't keep... And the neighbor asked Penny's eventual human if she could look after her "just for a day" while they figured out how to rehome her. (How many of us have heard that "just for a day" story? It's like a temporary tax.)  In any case, Penny was sent next door with all of her things, and was waiting patiently for a late-night snack when, unprompted, she performed the neat little trick you see just above. It clinched the deal! But our soft-hearted foster dogmom had agreed with her boyfriend that dogs needed to be approved together. The next day, Boyfriend also agreed to "just the day." That was 5 years ago, and Penny is still melting hearts with her treat sit.  Her breed? Maybe Australian Kelpie with some Pharaoh Hound in the mix,

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