Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunshine and Noodles

Ka'la, MoriDog #111
Ka'la means "Sunshine" in the Hawaiian language, a perfect name for a Yellow Labrador. His name is often mispronounced in English as Kala, which means "Money" in Hawaiian, so he doesn't mind that at all! Ka'la is very protective of his human mom, and she reports that he doesn't share her well at all. He doesn't do anything physical, but he will bark a lot if he thinks she's getting too much attention, which has earned him the nickname "Bob Barker." Bob likes girl dogs immensely, being that he still has the equipment to enjoy them fully.

Noodles, MoriDog #112

Noodles started life in the idyllic town of Trinidad, CA, half Bergamasco Shepherd, and half...something else. Bergamasco is an ancient Italian breed, with a coat that will "cord" naturally, like a Puli. Noodles gets a daily run with Grandma, and all that fur would just get in the way, so she gets the dreadlocks clipped.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Typical Golden Retriever

Millie, MoriDog #110
Millie started life with another family, but layoffs and the ensuing economic hardship made it necessary for her to find another home at 8 months of age. She is a model pet, and her only bad habit is that she wants to eat everything she finds along the trail.

Just as I was about to say goodbye, a group of schoolkids came along, and Millie got a chance to do what she does best--bask in adoration.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

She's a little Tipsy...

Tipsy, MoriDog #109
Tipsy was the first-born puppy in a litter of eleven. She is still puppy-rambunctious at 6mo. of age, but she's all love, and is friendly to every living creature. Here's a Pit Bull that thinks she's a Yellow Labrador!

Tipsy did her best to invite Luna to play, but puppy antics don't interest dignified Luna.