Sunday, June 26, 2011

Just Jack

Today, we met four who have already become MoriDogs...I knew that eventually I would find fewer and fewer new dogs to photograph, but I wasn't ready to be shut out so suddenly. But then along came Just Jack, and so that's who we have...

Just Jack, MoriDog #94
Just Jack is a Rat Terrier. I guessed wrong again, and tried to make him a Jack Russell--at least I got part of his name! He found his family in Kokomo, Indiana, when they were there on business.  Jack is an extremely well socialized dog, a veteran of many adventures. He has been kayaking, and has met an elephant face-to-face.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Big, Gentle Dogs

 Scout, MoriDog # 92
The woman at the human end of the leash has four sons, so the dog with the best fit for their family needed to be one with a "gentle soul." She has certainly found it in Scout. Although just a puppy at 7 Saint Bernard months, Scout sits well, doesn't jump up on people, waited nicely while we chatted and is very photogenic! Good dog, Scout!  

Coco, MoriDog #93
Coco is a "good story" Pit Bull. She was rescued from the animal shelter, and was chosen because of all the dogs down the rows of cages, Coco was the only one NOT jumping and barking! She watched intently but calmly, as if to say, "Take me home--look what a good girl I am!" Coco has retained her gentle ways, and is doing well with her obedience training.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Luna visits Linda Mar

Luna was looking just a little bit bored with Mori Point and Sharp Park Beach, so we went two beaches down to Linda Mar.  That's close enough for these guys to become MoriDogs.

Mylo, MoriDog #90

Mylo is often seen walking with Sophie, who is MoriDog #83. He's about 1/4 the size of Sophie, but today he was holding his own against her in Sand Wrestling.

Jeff, MoriDog #91
Jeff seems to be saying, "Does this leash make my butt look big?" Jeff didn't always have to worry about his figure. He was found as a very skinny puppy on Highway 101 near Candlestick Park. Good living in Pacifica has put plenty of meat on his frame!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Luna Sets a Good Example for the Puppy

Kaya, MoriDog # 89
Kaya is a 8-month-old Minature Australian Shepherd, and she was at the beach today to learn good manners when meeting another dog. Luna is the perfect puppy-trainer in this respect, because she will give a dignified greeting, and then proceed to ignore the puppy. Kaya was very well behaved! Her humans are doing a great job at making her a good citizen dog.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Guest Dog

My cousin sent me this picture of her dog, Alley. Although Alley is not yet a MoriDog, I just couldn't resist sharing. It's been so cold, that I guess we need to start wrapping up our dogs!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Three Little Dogs

Today's three dogs all live at the same house. They are regular visitors to Mori Point trails.

Charlie, MoriDog # 86
Charlie is a King Charles Spaniel who came to live with his family after his first owner passed away.

Satsuki Mei, MoriDog #87
The daughters in their family researched every type of dog, and determined that the Japanese Chin Dogs were the perfect breed for them. Dad reports that Satsuki Mei and Haku do fit in very well with both Charlie and the Humans.

Haku, MoriDog #88