Monday, May 30, 2011

Smelly Dog Alert!!

We were counting frogs at the pond (I saw 26 today!! It's a new record!) when a couple of new dogs and their humans came up to watch. Slowly, an aroma began to develop. "Oh, that's my dog," said the human at the end of Goldie's leash. "She just rolled in a dead seal." So let that be a warning to all!! There is a dead seal on the beach, and if your dog, like Goldie, considers Eau de Pinniped Mort the most desirable perfume, keep far south on Sharp Park Beach! The rotting carcass in question is said to be nearer the Pier than the Point.

Goldie, MoriDog # 85
If it seems that I was avoiding Goldie, you are right! As I said above, Goldie's presence preceeded her..but .Sadie didn't seem to mind. They are neighbors, and freqently walk together, or visit at each other's homes.

Sadie, MoriDog #86
Sadie, happily, is not smelly. Her human tells me that Mori Point is the only place that Sadie will go for a walk. Anywhere else, and she refuses to leave the car!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Another Pacifica Connection

Sophie is MoriDog #83. As it turns out, she lives on the same block as my father, and often stops by his house for a treat!

Bug is Puggle-a Beagle/Pug cross. He began life as someone's "designer dog," who had no idea what was required to care for a dog! Of course he was a problem, when left inside, alone all of the time!  Happily, now he lives with someone who can be with him most of the time, and bring him to Mori Point often. Bug is MoriDog #84.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Dog's Best Friend is His Stick

Dewey is obsessed with Sticks. He doesn't just chase them...he wants to bring every one of them home. It doesn't matter if the stick is twice his body weight, or exceeds his length. Every one is a treasure, and he proudly carries them as long as he is permitted to do so.  Our 13-year old MoriDog #82 is a Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix, who doesn't just have eyes of two different colors; one eye itself is both brown and blue.

Dewey and his stick.

He may have dropped his stick temporarily, but he won't be letting it out of his sight.

Dogs in Paradise

I was on the Big Island of Hawaii for a while these past weeks, and Luna couldn't come with me. However, I did meet a couple of interesting dogs while I was there.  I didn't assign a MoriDog number to Xavier or Isis, but they gave me enough entertainment that I decided to include them here. While I was watching them splash and chase sticks in a cool tropical stream, surrounded by lush foliage and a waterfall, I almost forgot how beautiful our Mori Point is. It would be impossible to compare Hawaii to the central Californian coast, yet there are similarities. It's hard to remember that our coast is also a destination, and that people fantasize about living here.

Xavier's human found his litter abandoned in a warehouse when they were about 3 weeks old. (The other pups had happy endings, too.) Isis, the younger dog, found her way home via the animal shelter.



Isis and Xavier

Monday, May 9, 2011

Two and a Half Labradors

We're a little fuzzy on how MoriDog #81 came to Pacifica. The man at the other end of the leash says that Roscoe just showed up one day. He's a handsome Pit/Labrador mix.


Sasha's address changed several times before she came to her current, stable home. She was a Hurricane Katrina rescue, found wandering around the rubble as a puppy. Sasha's trauma has made her fearful of storms and water, very uncharacteristic of her breed. Here, MoriDog #82 waits not-so-patiently for a treat.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

El Es Muy Guapo

MoriDog #80 is Guapo, the Spanish word for "handsome," and he is handsome indeed. This Yellow Labrador didn't have a story to tell, but he doesn't need one.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Other Side of the Hill

Luna's paw is much better now, and we celebrated that fact with a walk along Calera Creek, just the other side of Mori Point.

Kamir is a Rat Terrier mix rescued from the Peninsula SPCA. His owner tells how she went to visit the kennels, where all the dogs were barking and jumping. Only Kamir (which is a contraction of "Come Here!") was quietly staring at her.  I suppose it was the eyes. It's always the eyes. Lucky Kamir is MoriDog #77.


Riley the Beagle was ordered as a purebred female. When he got off the plane, it was clear he was a male, possibly not purebred, and was rejected.  But his gender and parentage is no issue for his current human, and he has quite possibly a better home for it, as MoriDog #78.


Zoe's mom was found wandering on railroad tracks while pregnant. Her rescuer took care of her, and eventually her three puppies. When they were 8 weeks old, she called all of her friends who might adopt a puppy, and in no time at all, the little darlings had found homes. Zoe is itty bitty MoriDog #78, and Riley's housemate.


OK, I admit it. I have a weakness for tiny, delicate little Chihuahua paws.