Monday, April 18, 2011


Luna and I dodged the clouds today, and ALMOST stayed dry! Luckily, the new MoriDogs came by before the rain did.

This is Meka. The woman at the other end of her leash told me that it is a Hawaiian name, and I forgot to ask its meaning. I also didn't ask for the spelling. But what I lack in interviewing skill, I make up for in the ability to research. I found that Meka translates to "Eyes," in Hawaiian. Well, Meka is a Brittany Spaniel, and the power of spaniel eyes is legendary, isn't it?  Here's our MoriDog #72, with the irresistible eyes.

Sophie  is MoriDog # 73. She is a Welsh Terrier from the Midwest, and Blue's walking partner.

Blue is a Tibetian Terrier, and she is named for her brilliant blue eye.  Sophie and Blue's co-owner is allergic to dogs, but they have the type of coat that doesn't affect him. He is able to live with them, allergy-free. Blue is MoriDog #74.

Sophie and Blue

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