Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Gentle Giant

Theo, MoriDog #165

Theo is an American Akita, distinguished from the more commonly seen Japanese Akita by their larger size. 

Henley, at 80 lbs, is often one of the bigger dogs on Mori Point, but as you can see, Theo is nearly half again his size, and all friendly muscle. (It's ok Henley...size doesn't matter!) 

Theo was the first of 7 puppies born one night. Next morning--Surprise! Two more brothers! He is obsessed with the squirrels who hang out on the levee.  He knows he can't catch one, but he feels that he MUST try.  His hobby is waking up raccoons along the golf course. He can't understand why they are sleeping in the daytime, so when he smells one, he barks his wake-up call. In a kind, and gentle way, of course! 

Glamour Pose!

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Dutch Treat

Pepper, MoriDog #164


Pepper is a Dutch Shepherd, the first of her breed on MoriDogs, and she is indeed a treat. Found in a DUMPSTER with her littermates, she shows only the tiniest bit of residual shyness from her difficult start in life. But she has so many excellent qualities! Her superpower is that she understands human language very well. She knows her favorite toys by name; Pelican, Lamb, and Ball. She is super gentle with them, and never destroys them. (Henley could learn a LOT from her in this area!) Pepper is also very tidy, and always puts her toys away in the basket.