Sunday, November 9, 2014

Jumping Joslin

Joslin, MoriDog #151
Joslin isn't jumping here--we couldn't  get a good shot in good light. But just imagine this Dalmation/Border Collie mix happily hopping to catch her favorite ball!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Theraputic Duo

Cricket, MoriDog #149
Ginger, MoriDog  #150

Cricket (on the left) and Ginger are certified Therapy Dogs. As such, you may have seen them with their human at South San Francisco Kaiser, serving as calming influences to anyone about to endure a stressful event. They are a well-balanced pair. Cricket provides the energy, running laps around Ginger, who is usually looking for a comfortable place to lie down. Points, too, for style--they are well color-coordinated!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

I Blame the Dog!!!


Luna would like to apologize for her human's error in deleting photos that should have been saved. This caused MoriDogs to NOT appear here! Scrappy was photographed near the pier. Rose, Happy, Lu and a flying dog whose name was also lost in the pipes were snapped on the trail. Hope to catch you guys again, and do better!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Third's the Charm!

Winni and Angel, MoriDogs #147 and 148
Winni says, This ball isn't going to throw itself, you know!"

"Ok, now you're just mocking me..."

"The things I do to please my humans..."

"Now let's try it again, and this time, WITHOUT the attitude?" 
Angel doesn't quite understand all the fuss about a scruffy green ball.

The third time IS the charm for this cutie. Angel lost her first home to a divorce, and her second when her elderly human entered a care facility. Luckily, she found her forever home with a dog-loving couple who take her on regular outings with her canine friend Winni. Winni has her own tale of drama.  She was on the street at the age of 3 months, and had the good sense to hang out at Angel's house, where it didn't take long for her to be welcomed into the household.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

I Felt a Presence...

Georgia, MoriDog #146
At the Moss Beach Distillery, there is a legend of The Blue Lady, a ghostly vision that appears from time to time. She's sort of the mascot of the restaurant. We were having a nice hamburger there tonight, outside on the patio so that the canine member of our group could stay with us. Dinner arrived, and I commenced enjoying it. But I felt...a presence. Maybe it was the Blue Lady!! But out of the corner of my right eye, I saw what it was. Georgia, being very patient, was watching my every move. It's not that I was so interesting, but every movement revealed a french fry. I could feel Georgia willing me to move the fries closer...within reach...just a little bit more...

Georgia is rescued Boxer mix from New York. Her human is now at home in Berkeley, and Georgia likes the change. As mentioned above, her special power is Telekinesis, and her hobby is stealing plastic iced coffee cups.

The fries were long gone, but the delicious smell remained.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Chip, MoriDog #145
Chip and his human chose each other--he stayed WITH her, while the other puppies got distracted. At five months old, he already shows good doggy manners, being respectful toward older dogs and cats. He always comes when called, and being a Border Collie, pays close attention to his surroundings. Chip may sound like the perfect puppy, but the dirt crumbs around his muzzle didn't get there on their own. He DOES love to dig, and also sloshes through every mud puddle he finds.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sunset Siberian

Lukie, MoriDog # 144

Today's MoriDog comes to you from Ocean Beach in San Francisco. Lukie was standing on the wall, which provided her a much better opportunity for petting and scratching. She is a rescued dog, likely Siberian Husky. When she gets the opportunity, he has been known to answer the "call of the wild," by going off on her own. This causes her human great anxiety, but she always comes back...on her OWN time!

Lukie knows that standing on the wall makes it easier for the humans to give her lots of scritches.