Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Two Christmas Poodles

Baron and Teddy Biscuit, Moridogs #142 and #143
I know that you are all thinking that these dogs aren't on Mori Point, or anywhere near the ocean. Sometimes I just have to include a dog or two that I find on my own, without Luna to help me. When I saw Baron and Teddy Biscuit posing in Union Square with their Santa hats on, I knew that they had to become MoriDogs.  It seems that this pair has won an award for Most Outstanding (Au Natural) in the 2013 Carmel Poodle Parade! I didn't know there was such a thing, but the website is worth a look!

Our award-winners as I first saw them.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Role Reversal

Maisie and Annie, MoriDogs #140 and 141
Maisie's human describes her as, "An old hippie. All peace, love and very Zen.  Other members of her human family have her brother and sister, and they enjoy visiting with each other. It's all good with Maisie--she hasn't a single bad habit.

Annie is Maisie's housemate. At one tenth her size, she is nonetheless the Alpha dog of the pack. Although a friendly and loving member of the family, she can be noisy. Annie is a far better retriever than Maisie.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Supermodel Tashi

Tashi, MoriDog #140

Tashi is one of those lucky dogs that has always had a stable, loving home. She loves her four cats and her squeaky toy. Outside, her favorite activity is to bark at her Jolly Ball as she pushes it around the yard, and when she gets tired of doing that, she eats rocks.

I usually include only ONE photo, but Tashi is particularly photogenic...

I just can't help myself with this dog!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Mori Point--Her Favorite Walk!

Wyla, MoriDog #139

Wyla was abandoned in San Bernadino as a puppy, and had nine different homes before coming to Pacifica. She is very well adjusted, and gets along with everyone and everything...except balloons. She was once waiting outside of Oceana Market, and she chewed through her leash in the effort to avoid an inflated 49ers player at the Longboard Bar.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Rocky, MoriDog #138

Rocky is originally from Modesto, but like most Pacificans, he has acclimated to the coastal breezes, and now couldn't think of living in the central valley heat.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A couple of non-sporting, sporting dogs

Rosie, MoriDog #136 and 
Sammy, MoriDog #137
Before she came to her "real" family, Rosie was living outside in a doghouse full time. Her new family changed all that, and now she even has a dog friend, Sammy.  

Sammy doesn't hunt, except maybe for the treat that he seems to be expecting in this photo. He doesn't even know he is a hunting dog. His buddy Rosie probably doesn't know that she's a hunting dog, either. Just as well.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Itty Bitty Bella

Bella, MoriDog #135
She may be small now, but this little girl may grow up to as large as TEN pounds!! (That's a joke...ten pounds is smaller than each of Luna's cat's...) Bella is the most recent "local" MoriDog. At 3 months, she's a little young to be out on the trail--Luna and I encountered her and her human in their front yard. Clearly, Bella is somewhat Chihuahua. The other might be Jack Russell Terrier, making her the designer breed, "Taco Terrier." She knows how to play fetch, and has a well-developed sock-chewing habit. She's working on the sock thing.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

She's a Peach!

Peaches, MoriDog #134
What a darling profile! Peaches is a 10 year old Chihuahua mix. Her humans come all the way from San Francisco to walk in our Scenic Pacifica, which makes me pause and appreciate the beauty we have. According to the humans who rescued her, Peaches has NO bad habits! That is a "first" here at MoriDogs!