Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Must be Aussie Week...

Charlie, MoriDog #133
One of the things I love about doing this blog, besides meeting the dogs and people, is that I get to learn new things about dogs. Until  this morning, I didn't know that there is a distinction between a Labradoodle and the Australian Labradoodle. It's too long to go into here, but if you Google it, you'll know too, and see some darling puppy pictures along the way. Charlie is of the Australian variety. He's about 7 months old, and his human is doing a brilliant job with his training. Dried chicken helps a lot, which Charlie was kind enough to share with Luna. Charlie loves to run in the surf, and do the "high five." (For a piece of chicken, of course! See below.)

Monday, October 8, 2012

A Tiny Aussie

Sierra, MoriDog #132
Sierra is a Miniature Australian Shepherd--everything that is lovable in a regulation Aussie, in a tiny package. Here she is, waiting very patiently for her human to finish interacting with the birds. She came to her current home because of a divorce, but has a very nice second life now, complete with her own cat. Her human has created a memorial to his past dogs--if you climb Bootlegger Steps, you might see CJ's and Toby's names inscribed in seats he made and installed there. We're hoping that Sierra's name won't be up there for a very long time.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Yellow Lab with a Secret

Gunny, MoriDog #131
Would you believe that this sweet-looking dog has a bad habit? Ordinarily, Gunny is obedient--but if the humans aren't looking, no Kleenex or paper napkin at Labrador level is is safe from her jaws. So far, she hasn't tried to blame the cat.