Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fog Dogs

Ringo, MoriDog #130
Ringo is an lively Great Dane/Greyhound mix. He looks and acts like a half-grown Dane, though he is six years old. In these photos, he is at the Pacifica Fog Fest, playing with his new friend, Odin. Ringo' female human found him in Las Vegas, on Craigslist as a 6 month old puppy. On  the phone, she was reluctant to disclose his breed to the male human of the family, focusing instead on his need to be rescued. But it all worked out, and even the 5 household cats get along with him now. His male human tells me that Ringo is running for mayor of Pacifica, and as such promises "a cat on every couch, and a milk bone in every hand." Here are some more photos of the spontaneous play date:

Friday, September 7, 2012

Welcome to the Neighborhood, Mochi!

Mochi, Moridog #129

What a sweet face! Mochi is a new arrival to Pacifica and Mori Point. She is most recently from the Outer Sunset, where there was no dirt, and hardly any sun. Yes, she did get to visit Ocean Beach often, but aren't the Pacifica beaches more FUN?? Mochi thinks so, and is enjoying a backyard dig once in a while, too.

I usually post only one photo of each dog, but today I make an exception . First, it's been so hard to find a new dog, now that we're up to #129, so there's lots of room here on the DogBlog, and second, isn't it amazing what a dog can do with her TONGUE? I just love silly dog tongues.