I haven't photographed a new MoriDog in a long time, and suddenly there are four of them!
Marcy, MoriDog #114
Marcy is only 2-1/2 years old, but she's already had three rescues. Her first was a Los Angeles veterinarian who treated her broken leg, probably from being hit by a car. Rescuer #2 took her from the vet to live with her loving Grandma, where she had a happy life. But Grandma got too sick to care for her, so Grandson (and her current human)became Rescuer #3. They live in Napa, but love Mori Point so much that visit here frequently. Marcy is an Affenpinscer, which translates in German to mean "Monkey-like Terrier." In the show ring, they are groomed in a way that will enhance their "monkey faces." |
Brownie, MoriDog #115
Brownie has a good trick--she fetches and dances for money! Her humans report that 20s are her favorites. While one holds a bill, she will dance, and then take the cash in her teeth, over to her other human. Brownie has a twin named Kitty who lives nearby, but they are hardly identical. Not only is Kitty white, but does everything opposite to what Brownie does. | | | |
Tucker, MoriDog #116
Tucker is already a star. He appeared in Proctor and Gamble commercials with his littermates before he came to Pacifica 12 years ago. He was sometimes seen in the Chronicle courtesy of his Travel Editor human. He's in semi-retirement now, but still knows how to strike a pose. |
Naka, MoriDog #117
Naka is short for "Nakama," which his human tells me means "family member" in Japanese. He's a Shiba Inu, which looks like a small Akita. Naka has a special talent--he is bilingual. In addition to English, he also understands Cantonese. |