Monday, September 26, 2011

Mack, MoriDog #108
Mack's human, who is recently from Phoenix, AZ, found him listed there on Craigslist. It seems that his original young human was not living up to her obligation to care for him, so her parents offered him up for free. A Queensland Blue Heeler, Mack's coat pattern is unusually bright and high-contrast, which makes him quite beautiful. His only fault is that he's somewhat tentative around other dogs. He displayed good doggie manners with Luna, so it seems that regular walks on Mori Point are helping him to be comfortable with the "casual" members of his pack. And for the record, Mack's human much prefers our Pacifica weather over that of Phoenix!

Monday, September 19, 2011

One More Dachshund

When this cute little guy came trotting up the trail to visit with Luna, I had to stop and think. "Hmmm...looks like a Dachshund," I said to myself. "But what about that Blue Merle coat pattern?" I had never seen it that breed. I learned from his human that on a Doxie, it is called "dapple." In July, I had another lesson in canine coat color on the trail, but with a beautiful White Merle Collie named Tashi, (MoriDog #97) so it was right to the internet when I got home to research "dapple." I learned that the genetics are similar to the Merle pattern in other dogs. As in the Merle trait, two dapples bred together produces a "double dapple, a dog with large white patches. When this happens, undesirable defects can occur, such as blindness and/or deafness. Whie Merles and Double Dapples are beautiful, but it causes me to reflect on the wisdom of intentionally introducing potential defects into the gene pool.  Happily, our MoriDog today is a single Dapple, and carries no increased risk.

Murphy, MoriDog #107

Murphy has recently recovered from hip surgery, and from the looks of it has made a complete recovery. In fact, it was difficult to photograph him, because he anxious to get on with his walk. Notice that even though his feet are still in this photo, the tail is clearly in motion. His human reports that he is a "Master Snuggler," and his only bad habit is that he somehow has developed a taste for cat poo.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

This Dachshund has a Title

Sir Charles, MoriDog #106

It's OK to call him, "Charlie." One of the things that 11 year old Charlie dislikes is hot weather, so this summer has been just fine with him--he came from Vacaville originally, and much prefers Pacifica.  When he isn't enjoying the cool Mori Point breezes, he can be found taunting his housemate Brandy by daring him to take his treats.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Paris (not Hilton)

Paris, MoriDog #105
Paris comes to Pacifica from Antelope Valley, where he lived with a number of humans before finding his forever home. His human is enjoying more walks with him, now that the human puppies are back in school.

Illegal Alien

Lucky, MoriDog #104
When Lucky's  human was in Mexico, she found him as a mangy, flea-bitten puppy. She paid 500 peso (about $50) for him, and  smuggled across the border. He is now a productive member of Pacifica society. Here he poses on the fence post by the frog pond.