Monday, August 22, 2011

Fresh as a Maisy

Maisy, MoriDog #103
Maisy was rescued from the San Francisco animal shelter at a very tender age. Her breed is a mystery, but all of the puppies in her litter had little nubby tails of various lengths. The humans get the litter together for reunions each year, and Maisy, who was the smallest puppy, is now the biggest.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Another Highway Dog

Pia, MoriDog #102
So many of our MoriDogs are rescues, and a frequent story is that they were found on busy roads. Pia, a Rat Terrier, was also found in this dangerous situation near Larkspur. Happily for her, the road eventually led to a forever home in Pacifica. Pia plays nicely with other dogs, as long as they aren't on a leash. There's something about a leash that brings out the Terrier in her.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Reo Speedwagon

No, not the band, but the old-time car, for which the band was named.

Reo, MoriDog #101
Reo is a Boxer mix, about 18 months old. His human says that based on his tracking behavior, the "mix" might just be bloodhound.